Friday, July 9, 2010

I Don't Understand!!!

Hey Everyone,

Today I was thinking about what my life and realized that other people's lives around me were better. I've been on summer break for about a month and a half now and I realized that I've only been out of the house about 6 times. Here they are: To go help out a friend who ended up moving in with my mom and I, go look for a house, go to wal-mart to get my nails done and go to the movies (I had to argue to get out) for my birthday, take my roommate (Brook) to the doctor, go to Pizza Hut with my mom and Brook, then go to the mall to buy Bath & Body Works stuff and go see Eclipse with my mom, my friend Amanda (she had an attitude the entire time) and Brook. That's it!!

I'm happy I at least got to go out to have fun twice. It's just that I talk with all my other friends and every time we talk they are out doing something. I mean it's summer shouldn't I get to go out of the house? I would understand if I was a bad kid and every time I went out I started something or tried to runaway but, I don't even think of those things. I listen to my mom, stay home when she says, get good grades, concentrate on school since that's the most important thing to have a rewarding future, and it's feels like that's not enough. I get exhausted sometimes because I go through these things in my mind all the time and don't understand why I can't have my freedom.

I understand I have to help my mom take care of our roommate (Brook- she's disabled) but, every time I ask to go out it's "No because you have to help me with Brook" or "You can go if you take Brook" or Brook is saying No. I wouldn't mind taking her but it's every single time I go out. I care for Brook, I know it's not her fault she's the way she is and is in a wheelchair but, I should be able to go out with my friends like I used to before. I love my mom and I love Brook too. I've known her and helped her since my mom started working to take care of her like 6 or 7 years ago when I was 10. I just think I should be able to be a teenager! I should be able to go out and have fun with my friends! I should be able to have the freedom because I'm a good teenager!

I hope you don't think I'm over reacting or that I'm blowing it way out of proportion. It's just how it feels to me. If you could walk in my shoes everyday and see what I go through I think you would understand why I feel this way. If you have any suggestions or wanna tell me anything leave a comment.

Told ya that it is gonna be a bumpy ride. I'm a 16 year old teenager lol.

-Katie <3

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