Friday, July 9, 2010

Thank God I Didn't Choke!

Hey Everyone,

It's 5:33am and I just almost choked to death exactly 3 minutes ago. I was reading over chapters in the 1st Vampire Diaries book while sitting here at my desk. I got a craving for something sweet and went to the refrigerator and got a piece of cake (which is very yummy) and a water bottle. Then, I returned with my cake and water to the book.

I started eating the cake and when I ate the next bite I took a drink of water to help it go down (which failed!) and It got caught in my throat. I put my hand over my mouth because I could feel a cough coming on and I was trying not to because I still had water in my mouth. I couldn't help it so I coughed and the water went everywhere.

I proceded coughing until I didn't feel the cake in my throat anymore. When I didn't feel it I looked around and I saw that there was water on my computer (which thank goodness the water stayed on the keys and didn't go through the keyboard). Instead of going to the bathroom to wash my face off I ran to the kitchen to get napkins and rapidly whiped off my keyboard.

I'm thanking God right now that I didn't choke and freak out while I was choking. That would have just turned into a MESS and most likely me really choking alone in my bedroom while everyone was sound asleep. Ha.. that would have been a "Good Morning" for my mom when she walked into my room and say me laying on the ground with cake in my throat.

Whew!!!! I have to say that was a wake up call, my throat still hurts and I dared to finish my cake lol. You might ask yourself did she clean up? To answer you: Yes I did, after I cleaned off my computer of course :P. I'm not eating cake when I get another craving for something sweet. Hey!, maybe it's Gods way of telling me not to eat so much hehe. I still love him though, that for all eternity will never change.

Thank God I Didn't Choke...
-Katie <3


  1. Lmao i cannot believed u choked!!! and i few minutes after i feel asleep on u (sorry about tht). OMG glad ur ok :)

  2. I know right!!! You would have gotten a text saying I died lol. I'm glad i'm okay too!!
